The AphroChic Podcast

Economist Janelle Jones Discusses Black Women's Equal Pay Day

AphroChic Episode 9
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00:00 | 40:07

In the summer of 2020, AphroChic spoke with Janelle Jones on Instagram Live about Black Women's Equal Pay Day, economics, and racial inequality. Janelle is the first African American woman to serve as chief economist at the U.S. Department of Labor and is currently the chief economist for Service Employees International Union. Here we present the edited conversation from two years ago in honor of Black Women's Equal Pay Day 2022, which takes place this year on September 21st. Black women are paid 58 cents for every dollar paid to white men and this day symbolically denotes how far into the year Black women must work to be paid what men were paid the previous year. 

Janelle's article, "We Are The Economy: Building from the Ashes of COVID-19" is featured in Issue No. 4 of AphroChic Magazine. 

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